Chris: Hey, Mike and Ashley, ready to take data?
Mike: Oh boy...
Ashley: You sound enthused.
Chris: Taking data is both the most exciting thing we do, and the most boring.
Ashley: What?
Chris: Well, this is the culmination of all the work that we put into making the experiment actually work, which is exciting. But the time we spend taking data is mostly spent looking at the experiment waiting for results to come up on the computer. That part is boring.
Mike: *snore*
Chris's phone: beep
Chris: "The National Weather Service has issued a tornado warning for Cleveland County."
Ashley: WHAT?!
Chris: There's a tornado shelter at my house just off campus. We can go there to ride out the storm.
*Chris wakes up Mike*
Chris: Hey, Mike, can you watch over the experiment for a while? I've got to go home for a little while.
Mike: Did you say something about a tornado warning?
Chris: Uhh... tomato warming. I think I left some marinara cooking on the oven.
Ashley: Ohmygodohmygodohmygod