Cop: You have any idea how fast you were going, boy?
Mike: Not fast enough.
Cop: Are you bein' smart with me!?
Chris: His "time machine" requires him to go 88 miles per hour, but apparently his "Delorean" maxes out at, uh, what did you clock us at, officer?
Cop: 87 miles per hour.
Chris: Ooh, only missed it by one.
Cop: Whatever you're doing, don't let me see you doing it again. Here's your ticket.
Mike: Thanks, officer.
Mike: Damn, I can't afford this ticket! I know! When I get the time machine working, I'll go back in time to yesterday, and get the cop to shoot me, so he won't be on duty today, and thus I won't need to travel back in time and get shot.
Chris: A well-thought-out, paradox-free, flawless plan. You should do it! Let me out first, though.