The tag pokemon appears in these 11 comics:
- 22: (5/19/2012) Cinnabar Island, Oklahoma
(Tags: mike, laser, pokemon)
- 97: (10/26/2013) Level 100 reactivity
(Tags: pokemon, mike, cesium)
- 240: (07/23/2016) Pokémon Go
(Tags: mike, ashley, carlos, pokemon)
- 243: (08/13/2016) Magikarp
(Tags: mike, ashley, pokemon)
- 245: (08/27/2016) Chu
(Tags: mike, carlos, pokemon)
- 248: (09/17/2016) Weedle
(Tags: mike, undergrads, pokemon)
- 249: (09/24/2016) Distracted
(Tags: mike, ashley, carlos, football, pokemon)
- 250: (10/01/2016) The Evil Laugh
(Tags: mike, ashley, carlos, pokemon)
- 252: (10/15/2016) Villainous
(Tags: mike, soonerman, undergrads, carlos, pokemon)
- 253: (10/22/2016) Lesson
(Tags: mike, ashley, carlos, pokemon)
- 260: (01/29/2017) Ninetales
(Tags: mike, ashley, pokemon, trump)