Transcript1 //Mike, Chris, and Ashley are eating lunch at the student union. A janitor sweeps the floor in the background.
Chris: Well, I'm stuffed. Ready to go?
Ashley: Aww, you don't want dessert? They have pie!
Mike: Pi? 3.14159265...
Chris: Dammit, you just had to get him going.
Ashley: I like annoying you.
Mike: ...3589793238462...
3 //Dale, the janitor, comes up from behind Mike. A cop is leaving the food court.
Mike: ...6433832795... uh...
Dale: 0288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620...
Ashley: Wow.
Chris: Congratulations, Mike, there's someone more obnoxious than you.
4 //Cop comes up to Dale
Cop: Sorry, sir, I'm going to have to write you a ticket.
Dale: What for?
Cop: Under the Continuing Appropriations And Anti-Pi Act, it is illegal to recite pi in public.